Friday, July 13, 2012

These vintage Vogart transfers (656) would make some cute kitchen dish towels. There is something charming about dancing dishes and animated vegetables. I may try to embroider these musical motifs
with  DMC floss on some white flour sack towels for my  kitchen .(click to enlarge image)


  1. You find the cutest kitchen accesories! Those transfers are adorable. Dancing dishes reminds me of the Beauty & The Beast movie. :D

    Hasn't the recent rain been glorious. Have a great weekend!

  2. Soooooooooo cool, boy does that take me back and the apron! Perfect. You could really be Suzi HomeMaker with all those cuter motifs.

  3. Me again, making my blog rounds. Wow, been wayyyyyyyyyyyy too long since you've blogged and visited. What's up? You OK?
