Saturday, June 2, 2012

I am trying a new yellow Summer squash as a companion to my green zucchini this year. This Butterstick hybrid variety got good reviews on the Burpee web site. I have had good luck with Burpee seeds. Burpee has a free seed catalog you can request. Butterstick Zucchini Hybrid Summer Squash Seeds and Plants, Vegetable Gardening at


  1. Is the difference that there are straight, shaped more like zuch? Good luck with your garden. I have some in my veggie bend...thinking a veggie pasta for dinner tonight.

  2. Oh my, the word verification is giving me a fit. Anyways..I love the Butterstick squash name. Hope its a goodun. :))

  3. I hear you. I can't imagine what blogger is thinking unlrss they just want folks to stop bloggng. WHAT A HEADACHE BLOGGER IS NOW!
